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Version: 3.1.3

PMPM Chart

The Health Chain PMPM Chart data mart is a specialized, centralized repository of data designed to drive member-level financial insights, including but not limited to; claims, allowed amounts vs. paid amounts, month over month costs, plan type, type of encounters, itemized costs, encounter volume, and more!

hc_explanationOfbenefiteob_idvarcharFHIR record UUID
hc_explanationOfbenefitstatusvarcharExplanationOfBenefitsStatus active | cancelled | draft | entered-in-error
hc_explanationOfbenefitoutcomevarcharClaim Processing Codes queued | complete | error | partial
hc_explanationOfbenefitbillable_period_startdatetimeRelevant start time for the claim
hc_explanationOfbenefitbillable_period_enddatetimeRelevant end time for the claim
hc_adjudicationadjudication_valuedecimalMonetary amount, An amount of economic utility in some recognized currency.
hc_codeableconceptcodeableconcept_codevarcharType of adjudication information. Filtered on the category of adjudication.
hc_explanation_of_benefit_itemunitprice_valuedecimalFee, charge or cost per item
hc_explanation_of_benefit_itemquantity_valuedecimalCount of products or services
hc_explanation_of_benefit_itemnet_valuedecimalTotal item cost
hc_explanation_of_benefit_itemserviced_datedatetimeDate or dates of service or product delivery
hc_patientpatient_idvarcharFHIR record UUID
hc_humannamegiven, familyvarcharA name associated with the patient. Usually a combination of Given names (not always 'first') and Family name (often called 'Surname'). Includes middle names This repeating element order: Given Names appear in the correct order for presenting the name
hc_patientpatient_idvarcharUnique identifier for each member
hc_humannamegivenvarcharMember's first name
hc_humannamefamilyvarcharMember's last name
hc_patientbirth_datedateMember's date of birth
hc_patientgendervarcharMember's gender
hc_addressaddressvarcharMember's address
hc_addresscityvarcharCity of member's address
hc_addressstatevarcharState of member's address
hc_addresspostal_codevarcharPostal code of member's address
hc_coverageplan_idvarcharUnique identifier for the associated plan
hc_coverage_classclass_namevarcharName of the insurance plan
hc_codeableconceptcodeableconcept_typevarcharType of the plan (e.g., HMO, PPO)
hc_coverageperiod_startdateCoverage start date
hc_coverageperiod_enddateCoverage end date
hc_encounterencounter_idvarcharUnique identifier for each encounter
hc_encounterperiod_startdateDate when the encounter occurred
hc_codeableconceptcodeableconcept_typevarcharType of the encounter (e.g., inpatient, outpatient)
hc_encounterencounter_amountdecimalAmount associated with the encounter
hc_claimclaim_idvarcharUnique identifier for the claim.
hc_claim_itemnetfloatThe total paid amount across all claims.
hc_claim_itemtotal_allowed_amountfloatThe total allowed amount across all claims.
hc_claim_itemtotal_charge_amountfloatThe total charge amount across all claims.
N/Amonth_yeardateMonth and year for which the calculation is done
N/Atotal_amountdecimalTotal amount of encounters in the month
N/Apmpm_valuedecimalPMPM value calculated as total_amount / number of members